Thursday, September 3, 2020

Shakespeares time Essay Example For Students

Shakespeares time Essay Alonso: Good boatswain, have care. Wheres the ace? Play the men. Boatswain: I ask now, keep below. We can see the Boatswain attempts to keep up the regard that should be kept with a ruler in a conciliatory manner. Antonio: Where is the ace, boatswain? Boatswain: Do you not hear him? You deface our work keep your lodges. You do help the storm. We can see that soon the Boatswains resilience will run out. Gonzalo: Nay, great, be patient. Boatswain: When the ocean is. Consequently! What thinks about the name of lord? To lodge. Quietness! Inconvenience us not. At long last his understanding has snapped. He says when the ocean is because of Gonzalos demand for him to show restraint, implying that he will turn out to be increasingly lenient when the tempest has additionally become more tolerant. The way that various creations of The Tempest stage the scene fluctuates. For instance at times it is introduced on an uncovered stage yet then others have enormous models of a boat or the components of a wreck tossed about the stage, for example, a frayed pole. I imagine that a creation with present day innovation would have a superior impact of a sensible tempest, yet just if its very much done. For instance if the organizing is especially ratty and the nature of the innovation is awful then clearly so is the impact it has on the crowd. An exposed stage can be extremely fruitful, yet just if the on-screen characters are awesome too. In Shakespeares time the sound of thunder could be made with moving gun balls and drums. Typically stunts were utilized in scenes like this, which could emit a lot of clamor. If I somehow happened to utilize current innovation I would likely utilize the hints of thunder and dull, soiled lighting to make an impact of a dark sky. I may cover the stage floor with dry ice or a smoke machine so as to make the deception of a pontoon instead of only an exposed stage. This impact and the entertainers developments could make the influencing of the boat or fierce shaking movement progressively credible in the event that it is difficult to tell where the stage floor is. I may very well have enormous bits of wood dispersed about the phase with a few wooden posts remaining with white fabric hung over them to make an impact of a run down state. To make a fantasy of downpour I may utilize the sound of downpour and on-screen characters entering the phase with wet garments and wet hair. What I have additionally seen in different creations of The Tempest is that despite the fact that Ariel invokes the tempest he is never present in the principal scene. I believe this is on the grounds that the effect that this scene would have would be significantly decreased. The purpose behind this is I believe that the tempest is intended to be practical; with a vaporous soul flying around the pole I feel that the power of the scene would be lost, as I discovered with a creation that I participated in. I have discovered that with certain creations of The Tempest individuals have removed a large portion of the scene totally. Taking Dereck Jarmans The Tempest, the principal scene is of Prospero dozing yet with an upset rest, brimming with bad dreams. There are fast shots of film of a tempest, at that point back to Prosperos face, as though we are taking a gander at parts he had always wanted. I feel this was incapable in light of the fact that it came up short on the sensational effect that the main scene would have had on the off chance that it were incorporated and there was no demonstration of the force battles, no prologue to characters. The second creation I have seen of The Tempest is by John Gorrie. Despite the fact that the acting was terrible, the scene occurred on an appropriate boat and fused the full scene. There were practical sounds and enhancements, for example, the shaking of the boat and downpour. I likewise felt to a greater extent a feeling this was something energizing and that ideally the remainder of the creation would be as well. I additionally observed a completely unique type of The Tempest in Peter Greenaways adjustment, Prosperos Books. It begins with an elderly person discussing his books, what powers they have, what they are called. Echoes can begin to be known about the discourse from the tempest succession. .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 , .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 .postImageUrl , .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 , .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8:hover , .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8:visited , .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8:active { border:0!important; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8:active , .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u0df410086bd99a29 cdb046ea5f0535b8 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u0df410086bd99a29cdb046ea5f0535b8:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Just-in-Time in Kalamazoo EssayWe see the elderly person keeping in touch with a portion of the exchange as it is being said. Some recording of raindrops is embedded between shots. The setting of the scene out of nowhere changes to what in particular seems as though a Turkish shower with the elderly person washing in it. We before long observe a kid swinging on a swing above. The discourse of the tempest succession was all the while reverberating around while the kid (playing Ariel) kept on peeing on a toy transport in the shower, to speak to Ariels development of the tempest. The aim of this creation may have been emblematic yet I thought that it was all preferably confounding and substantially less sensational over the BBC creation, which had a lower nature of acting and likely not as a lot to spend in the method of the setting and enhancements.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Human Resource of Ritz Carlton Essay

Presentation In today’s economy where information and aptitudes request are rising, it is additionally the duty of an organization’s human asset group to dissect and guarantee they select the most proper possibility for the activity. Associations have been looking for, drawing in and holding the best gifts accessible so as to conquer the serious difficulties that they are confronting today. Aside from accomplishing the key objectives and goals of an association, human asset the executives (HRM) likewise has an impact in the yield of an organization execution as it sets down key choices, arrangements, just as frameworks, that may influence the most significant resource in the association, its workers (Armstrong, 2008, p.5). In this task, it will reference to Ritz Carlton that is one of the best associations that have recognized their human asset (workers) as the most significant advantage for accomplish objectives and targets. The attention on HR into enlisting, choosing and improvement has supported them to accomplish a few overall acknowledgment grants, for example, the best quality level of friendliness (The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 2011). Enrollment and Selection Hellriegel and Slocum (2007, p.161) states that Ritz Carlton knows the sort of representatives they are searching for in each activity position, and is mindful so as to just utilize the individuals who show the abilities and conduct required to achieve the activity. Ritz Carlton has consistently been effective in choosing and enrolling the most appropriate abilities to their associations that will fit into their societies, qualities and administration standard that is significant in keeping up or even elevate the standard of Ritz Carlton. With places that expect workers to be on the cutting edge to interface and serve visitors, it is of most extreme significance that a representative can give the degree of administration required to meet or surpass the fulfillment level of the visitors as neglecting to do so may bring about negative input, prompting poor organization execution. In the accomplishment of Ritz Carlton, its representatives had assumed a noteworthy job by mixing into the organization’s culture, submitting to the organization’s worth and reasoning, to make a one of a kind and lovely experience for its visitors. Preparing and Development An all around arranged and organized preparing not just gives data and heading to achieve explicit undertakings identified with authoritative requirements and targets, it likewise prompts conduct change and improvement in work execution (Vaughn, 2005, p.2) In Ritz Carlton, be it current workers or fresh recruits, representatives are given a variety of chances to learn and create aptitudes to encourage and upgrade worker execution. On account of a worker in the board job, preparing could lead him to better dynamic abilities for both himself, and for the association. For representatives in the non-the executives positions, preparing could incorporate building up the essential aptitudes, information, the correct mentality, just as the capacities to determine issues. Today, with the various honors won for its unbelievable administrations, Ritz Carlton had demonstrated that its workers had been predictable in showing the aptitudes, information, and conduct got through preparing. With their overwhelming spotlight on HR preparing and advancement, workers are increasingly prepared and learned in handling issues, changes or any hindrances while playing out their assignments which will prompt expanded efficiency which might be critical for associations that may require steady improvement. Representative Retention For an association to depend particularly on its representatives Ritz Carlton have not just given a one of a kind workplace, it has additionally perceived the necessities to organize the wellbeing and prosperity of its representatives as an intend to hold its gifted representatives. By having the option to hold the gifted people in the associations, Ritz Carlton will have the option to contribute their capital all the more proficiently as they don't have to sit around and cash on fresh recruits and re-trainings. High-turnover pace of any association will be troublesome and non-beneficial for the workplace that will may back off or influence the development of the association. Along these lines, holding the best ability inside the association is additionally essential for any associations. Ritz Carlton is a genuine model as they make an awesome workplace as they regard others and consequently, get the regard from others with their well known maxim â€Å"We are women and noble men serving women and gentleman†. (The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 2011). Worker Compensation Vocation improvement plans, chances to advance inside the association, complimentary worker suppers and retirement plans are only a portion of the advantages offered by Ritz Carlton to spur its representatives. Aside from that, Ritz Carlton had additionally perceived the need to react to the requirements of its representatives by getting worker input. By having propelled representatives, Ritz Carlton had additionally increased a serious edge by having progressively steadfast and submitted workers who might go the additional mile to complete their activity. End Human Resource (workers) is the best advantage for an association as they contribute straightforwardly to the development of an associations. With skilled and gifted representatives in the workforce, an association can profit significantly as its representatives could settle on basic and capable choices that decides the advancement of an association. Be that as it may, a powerful and effective human asset methodology should be actualized for the two representatives and association to completely profit by it. In the case of Ritz Carlton where its representatives are its most prominent resource, its human asset division has taken further estimations by investigating and recognizing the necessities of a person who can play out the activity. With the correct mentality and convictions, its representatives are given a wide cluster of chances to learn and create abilities by means of preparing which would prompt expanded profitability and proficiency. While trying to hold its top gifts, Ritz Carlton had likewise been fruitful in giving alluring advantages, just as a particular workplace, to keep its representatives spurred, faithful and submitted. To finish up, Ritz Carlton had been astoundingly fruitful in its procedure of utilizing its workers as its most prominent resource for accomplish its objectives and goals. References A. Noe et al.(2010): Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage(7th Edition) . New York: McGraw-Hill D.Hellriegel and W.Slocum (2007): Organizational Behavior (eleventh Edition) . USA: Thomson South-Western H.Vaughn (2005): The Professional Trainer: A Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Delivering, and Evaluating Training Programs(2nd Edition) . San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers M. Armstrong (2008): Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action(4th Edition) . US: Kogan Page Publishers The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company,2011. About Us.[Online]. Accessible at: [Accessed 16 November 2011] The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company,2011. Learn and Develop.[Online]. Accessible at: [Accessed 16 November 2011] The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 2011. Best quality levels. [Online]. Accessible at: [Accessed 16 November 2011] Book index H. Koontz and H.Weihrich(2008): Essentials of Management: An International Perspective(7th Edition) . New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill

Friday, August 21, 2020

Personal Leadership

There are the same number of authority ways of thinking as individuals and which is all well and good. Every individual is one of a kind in their own particular manners with explicit character qualities and aptitudes which make them what their identity is. While a few people are more normally slanted towards initiative than others, most of pioneers are created through the kept sharpening of their authority aptitudes. Along their authority Journeys individuals get different aptitudes and ideal models permitting them to broaden and put forth a concentrated effort past their own characteristic abilities.While individuals can't change their hereditary cosmetics, they a make explicit move and settle on specific choices to assist them with being a compelling pioneer. In this paper I will talk about three administration ideas (individual uprightness, changing initiative, and empowering and empowering others) which pass on my authority theory. At long last, I will represent how the adjustmen t of these three ideas would enable an individual to lead their association all the more adequately. Individual INTEGRITY There are numerous pioneers and directors in our reality who are given titles, yet neglect to lead, control, or join their constituents since they neglect to display their expectations.In The Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner (2002) start a conversation of demonstrating by saying â€Å"Titles are in truth, yet it's your conduct that successes you respect† (p. 14). While pay rates and titles may have some close to home estimation toa pioneer, they mean little to their subordinates and may even be an objective for analysis for a few if a pioneer needs uprightness. As a pioneer, it is basic to show the way and move forward with hireling initiative. Worker authority is not the same as the conventional force based administration in numerous ways.Robert Greenleaf (2005) characterizes and distinguishes the oals of hireling initiative by saying this: â€Å" The contrast shows itself in the consideration taken by the hireling first to ensure that others' most noteworthy need needs are being served. The best test, and hard to regulate, is: Do those served develop as people? Do they, while being served, gotten more beneficial, more shrewd, more liberated, progressively independent, more probable themselves to become hirelings? What's more, what is the impact on the least favored in society?Will they advantage or if nothing else not be additionally denied? † (p. 25) The focal point of worker pioneers is on the raising up and development of constituents through displaying. As opposed to allocating an errand and anticipated an outcome, worker pioneers will come close by constituents showing them the best approach to achieve the undertaking and simultaneously imparting the estimations of servanthood and demonstrating in them. compelling administration and more noteworthy affinity among constituents. Yukl (2006, p. 210) composes that â⠂¬Å"Integrity is an essential determinant of relational trust.Unless one is seen to be reliable, it is hard to hold the dedication of the adherents or to get collaboration and backing from friends and bosses. † Without the help and eamwork of constituents, a pioneer will neglect to meet the set objectives. The Center for Creative Leadership found that the nonattendance of uprightness straightforwardly related with the disappointment of pioneers and the other way around (p. 211). For a pioneer to create trustworthiness among their constituents, they should be regarded legit, dependable, faithful, and maintain confidentiality.The improvement of a pioneer's uprightness requires time, vitality, and tolerance put resources into their laborers through demonstrating and hireling administration. John J. Gardiner sums up this skillfully in saying â€Å"integrity originates from sublimating our consciences nd giving ourselves totally to life† (Spears, 1998, p. 1 19). Changing LEA DERSHIP Many various ideal models of authority exist and are helpful devices for guiding gatherings of individuals to progress, yet changing initiative offers a fantastic general view and structure for pioneers to utilize when working with individuals of various qualities and persuasions.James MacGregor Burns says the changing pioneer â€Å"looks for potential thought processes in the adherents, tries to fulfill higher needs, and draws in the full individual of the supporter,' which results in ‘a relationship of shared incitement and levation' for both pioneer and follower† (Carey, 2008, p. 7). By having bits of knowledge into the constituents' disposition towards the association, the changing pioneer can create customized procedures to assist laborers with drawing nearer achieving both the objectives of the associations and their own aspirations.In the subsequent module, the five casings of reference were portrayed delineating the disturbance causes without anyone else embeddedeness. Being stuck in a solitary edge of reference can turn into an issue for a laborer when required to work with those stuck in different edges of reference. At the point when the halfway facts contained in one of the individual the casings are mistaken for every bit of relevant information, at that point whatever esteem there is in the casing's standpoint becomes distorted† Carey, 2008, p. 2). At the point when a pioneer works exclusively inside a solitary casing of reference, their mutilations sway the objectives and laborers of the organization.Transforming pioneers move from their unique edge of reference towards a â€Å"fundamental alternative for self-transcendence† which â€Å"pulls the person toward the logos and, in this manner, toward either value-based or changing leadership† (Carey, 2008, p. ). While value-based initiative is once in a while important to achieve middle objectives and basic assignments, the change of laborers to pioneers thr ough changing administration will be bound to achieve long haul accomplishment for both the association and its constituents.I have never experienced an individual who has asserted they have gotten a lot of consolation. I have additionally never met anybody that has without any help made their association effective. At the end of the day, pioneers should be encircled with individuals joined in reason for their association to be effective. Probably the most ideal approaches to adjust constituents to your vision and objectives is through framing connections through consolation. â€Å"Giving support expects us to draw near to individuals and show that we care†¦ t's bound to achieve something different types (of input) can't: fortifying trust among pioneers and constituents† (Kouzes and Posner, 2002, p. 321). Futhermore, Freire (2000) portrays the advantages of an energized and empowered gathering of laborers when he composes: â€Å"This adherence agrees with the trust the individuals start to put in themselves nd in the progressive heads, as the previous see the devotion and validness of the later.The trust of the individuals in the pioneers mirrors the certainty of the pioneers in the individuals. † ( p. 150) Encouraging and empowering constituents is continuous undertaking that requires a nonstop responsibility of changing pioneers. Nonetheless, the fulfillment and achievement that accompanies driving an energized group of laborers empowered to carry out their Responsibility well is unparallel and basic to the general accomplishment of organizations.†Leadership isn't an issue of the head. Authority is an issue of the heart† (Kouzes and Posner, 2002, p. 99) It is with those words that The Leadership Challenge finishes up and we are reminded that changing authority all starts with the heart and honesty of the pioneer. Be that as it may, character and trustworthiness are insufficient as changing pioneers are required to comprehend di fferent edges of reference, yet in addition pull constituents towards the logos empowering them to work outside their common casing of references and in the process become changing pioneers themselves.When driving with respectability, a changing pioneer who energizes and empowers positions themselves, their constituents, and their association for progress.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

The LSAT, Context-Dependent Learning, and Jeopardy!

I'll get to the LSAT in a minute, but first I want to talk about Alex Trebek. My life-long dream is to become a Jeopardy champion. In my spare time I memorize everything I can about Shakespeare plays, Greek Gods, famous inventors, and Ukrainian geography. But all Jeopardy contestants do that. If I’m going to win, I need some other way to gain an edge over the competition. Jeopardy contestants perform in an unfamiliar environment under bright lights. The crowd is cheering, tens of thousands of dollars are at stake, millions are watching at home, and Alex Trebek is just feet away from you going on about the Etruscans. It's no wonder most contestants report feeling nervous – like most LSAT takers. So, I came up with some strategies for my Jeopardy preparation to help combat this game-day anxiety, which we can also use for the LSAT. While practicing for Jeopardy, I try to recreate the Jeopardy studio experience as closely as possible. For example, when playing along at home, I stand instead of sitting. To get my timing down, I wait until Alex is done reading the clue before I â€Å"buzz in† using a makeshift buzzer (that springy part of my toilet paper roll holder). And of course, I always answer in the form of a question. I've even been to the Jeopardy studio to watch from the audience to feel more comfortable in that room. If I ever find out I'm actually going to be on the show, things will get a little kookier. I'll get a podium to stand behind while I play along at home. I'll study wearing the same clothes I plan to wear on the show. I'll keep my air conditioner on full blast and get some bright stage lights to make my apartment feel more like the chilly, luminous Jeopardy studio. I might even buy a life-size cardboard cutout of Alex Trebek. Hopefully, if I do all these things, I won’t be as nervous as the typical contestant and will perform better. The habits I'm describing are based on concepts called context-dependent and state-dependent learning. Studies show these techniques help to increase exam scores. Context-Dependent Learning refers to the phenomenon that test performance improves when you study in the same type of environment you will experience on test day. State-dependent learning is similar but focuses on the test taker’s physical and emotional states. Like muscle memory, these ideas help to explain why sports teams have a home-field advantage and why I'm so much better at ping-pong in my parents' basement than anywhere else. Here are some suggestions I give my LSAT students based on these principles. Context-Dependent learning: In the weeks leading up to the test, surround yourself with the same sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and feelings you will experience on test day. Follow the same routines and rituals. Take practice tests in the clothes you will wear on test day. Study in classrooms or libraries surrounded by other people, rather than at home. Once you learn your test location, visit the building and study there. Try to take practice tests at the same time of day that you will take the LSAT. State-dependent learning: Each morning eat the same breakfast at the same time you will on test day. If you plan to drink coffee on test day, drink coffee on practice days. If not, don't. If you like to listen to music to get pumped up or relax before a test, create a playlist that you listen to every day before studying. Then listen to that playlist on test day. Eat the same snacks between practice test sections that you will eat during the real LSAT. Get a life size cardboard cutout of an LSAT proctor (okay, maybe don't do that). These are just some ideas, I'm sure you can come up with others. The goal is for your actual test day to be filled with lots of familiar sights, sounds, and feelings, so you can be as comfortable as possible when taking the LSAT. If you do that, you will decrease your nerves and increase your chances of performing at your best. Remember, when it comes to the LSAT, every little advantage counts. Cambridge Coaching LSAT tutors, like Ryan M., understand the make-or-break importance of the LSAT and are dedicated to helping our clients beat the exam. That’s why we believe in doing more than just targeting client's weaknesses - your tutor’s goal is to identify the sections where you have the greatest potential for improvement, and to help you wring every last point from them. ; Thinking about taking the LSAT? Read up on some tips, tricks and advice from our tutors below! Fear and the LSAT: a mindful approach to test day jitters What I wish I knew before starting my LSAT prep Part 1 of your law school guide: before even beginning to study...

Monday, May 18, 2020

Police Misconduct And Sexual Behavior - 1513 Words

Lately, it is not uncommon to hear of some form of police misconduct in the nightly news, whether it be on the national, state, or local levels. Just in the past month alone, there have been allegations of misconduct in Baltimore, Maryland; Goose Creek, South Carolina; Boulder, Colorado and in Janesville, Wisconsin. These cities are not the only cities that have been in the media for misconduct issues, but they are a good representation to the fact that misconduct does not just necessarily happen in one area of the United States. Perhaps one of the biggest questions is not why misconduct occurs throughout all areas of the United States, but rather what constitutes misconduct and why misconduct happens at all. Per Merriam-Webster Dictionary, misconduct is defined as: â€Å"1. Mismanagement especially of governmental or military responsibilities; 2. Intentional wrongdoing; specifically: deliberate violation of law or standard especially by a government official; 3. improper behavior, adultery; and 4. a penalty (as in ice hockey) for improper behavior or abusive language (as toward an official). Clearly, in the above definition there is a multitude of incidences that could be considered as misconduct. Misconduct can be a minor incident that others may perceive not worthy of an investigation, or a major incident that is in the headlines for months on end. An officer, who engages in receiving gifts, when doing so is against their police department’s guidelines, would beShow MoreRelatedPolice Ethics and Deviance1125 Words   |  5 PagesPolice Ethics and Deviance Ethics and the police is a subject that most people are interested in. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender, Sex, And Sexuality - 1363 Words

Mesha Jones Mr.DiGulio Honor Freshman English-3 26 April 2016 Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Gender, sex, and sexuality are not new concepts in today’s society. These three terms have been around for a long time, but they have only just started to surface and be taught and understood by the nation. Slowly society is learning that sex does not determine one’s sexual orientation and gender and who you are is nothing to be ashamed about. A person’s sexuality has been with them ever since and before they were born. While one is in the womb being developed, things like personality, physical appearance, mentality, etc. are all being developed. Amongst that list is sexuality. Much like one’s sex, sexuality is not a choice and can not be determined by anyone. One can also not know another’s sexaulity based of their aperarence or personality, although they can assume. Sexuality is one’s sexual attraction (or lack thereof) to one based off of their appearance, gender or sex. There is a huge number of sexualitys ranging from being pansexual or attracted to all genders to being asexual not experiencing any sexual attraction. There is a large number of sexualitys and terms used in the lgbt+ community. Lgbt+ is short for Lgbtqqiaapp+, which is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, aromantic, pansexaul, polysexual. The acronym includes only a few of the many identities in which exist in the queer community, â€Å"Understand that sexuality is asShow MoreRelatedSex, Gender, And Sexuality1490 Words   |  6 PagesSex, gender, and sexuality are words that are constantly are been not understood properly and also misused by societies. But scholars through research and history have come up with basic ways to distinguish what each term means. Starting with the term sex, sex is known as a biological structure of a person (Renzetti 2). There also is another way that sex defined, some believe that the definition of is the meaning the society and each individual gave it, â€Å"or the various ways we express our sexualRead MoreSex, Gender, And Sexuality1391 Words   |  6 PagesSEX, GENDER, AND SEXUALITY 1 Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Joel M. Queen Oklahoma State University Sex, Gender, and Sexuality When you go on with your daily lives and norms, you tend to not give much attention to what kind of roles certain genders play or how we perceive certain gender to perform said roles. Lorber mentions in the early part of her argument that we seem to treat sex, gender, and sexuality and the norms that come with them like fish and water (Lorber, 1994) . We have almostRead MoreSex, Gender And Sexuality966 Words   |  4 PagesThe chapter includes definitions about sex, gender and sexuality. Additionally, it describes a process of gender socialization, gender stratification, and supports these processes by social theories. Each of the provided videos and the article relates to this chapter in many ways. According to the chapter, people learn their roles of males and females through the process of socialization. There are certain guidelines established by society that people follow in acceptable manner. Each personRead MoreBiological Sex, Gender, And Sexuality1192 Words   |  5 Pagesimportant differences between biological sex, gender, and sexuality? Biological sex is our anatomy; this relates to a humans anatomical and reproductive system. Determined by karyotype (chromosomes of a cell, 46 XY karyotype in typical males and 46 XX karyotype in typical females), internal genitalia (testes and ovaries), external genitalia (scrotum and penis in males; labia and clitoris in females), and secondary sex differentiation at puberty (Pasterski, 2008). Gender is the state of being female or male;Read MoreBox Building Process with Respect to Sex, Gender and Sexuality954 Words   |  4 Pagesbetween the various groups of individuals in the society based on their age, gender, race, nationality among other factors (Warde Martens 21). Social differentiation process, which is also referred to as box creating process is vital in the escalating cases of social inequality, more specifically, for the purpose of this article, gender and sexual inequality. The demarcations created on the basis of this factors (gender and sexual attributes of an indiv idual) tend to mould individuals to depictRead MoreAn Analysis Of Judith Butler s Exploration Of Gender, Sex, And Sexuality Essay1544 Words   |  7 Pagesattack those very expectations. The essence of what it means to be a girl is questioned within the short video. Judith Butler’s exploration of gender, sex, and sexuality’s fluidity, trapped within the â€Å"normal,† binary structure of society, questions the same notions. Butler attacks the comfort of the binary system, and exposes the insubstantial basis of gender. The â€Å"Like A Girl† campaign by Always details the connotations of what it means to be a girl. When asked to run like a girl, older women andRead MoreGender Issues and Sexuality in Marge Piercys Sex Wars Essay785 Words   |  4 PagesSex Wars; a title provocative enough to garner not only a second look when encountered on an overcrowded bookshelf, but undoubtedly a perfunctory lift from the shelf and a superficial perusal. If you do delve deeper into the novel by Marge Piercy you come to see that Sex alludes to gender and the relationship between men and women; not just the act. War denotes power, agency; a struggle to gain it, fought in our own cities not on some far off shores. It isnt peculiar that Marge Piercy would devoteRead MoreDismantling Binaries: Bisexuality947 Words   |  4 Pageswith respect to sex, gender and sexuality. In the society, these boxes and their limits rest on a multiplicity of assumptions. The first supposition is that there are two sex’ s genders, and sexualities. Everyone is male or a female, feminine or masculine, heterosexual or homosexual but no one can be both. This supposition of sex believes the truth of substantial difference in how persons actually do gender but yet people carry on to believe that there are just two equally elite gender groups into whichRead MoreThe Cultural Matrix And Gender Identity1506 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"‘persons’ only become intelligible through becoming gendered in conformity with recognizable standards of gender intelligibility (p.22)† and describes â€Å"intelligible† genders [as] those which in some sense institute and maintain relations of coherence and continuity among sex, gender, sexual practice, and desire (p. 23).† That is, legitimate persons are those whose gender matches their sex within heterosexual engagements. However, all persons should be intelligible. It is through the cultural matrixRead More The Social Construction of Gender and Sexuality Essay1361 Words   |  6 Pageswhole new generation of people who aren’t defined by their race or their sex or who they like to sleep with.† This statement exemplifies the definition of gender as a concept; gender is the expectations of a sex according to the culture of society. Sexuality, within this definition of gender, reflects society’s expectations, which are created in relation to the opposite sex. The variances between cultures means that gender expectations change within different cultures. These expectations put pressure

Personalized Framework for Patients-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Personalized framework for Patients. Answer: A set up that is based on personalized care of a patient is termed as person centred framework. This deals with developing and examining methodology that is totally dependent on a patients condition (be it personal or environmental) and the needs of the patient in association with the family members irrespective of the illness the patient is dealing with (Pope 2012). The framework also considers the values that the patients and their family have already inculcated, it helps to develop better solution as the interference of the patient lessens when their needs are fulfilled (Gliton 2012). The essay discusses the importance of personalized care set ups, in present clinical set ups. It puts emphasis on the theories available relates to such frameworks. The importance of person based setups with respect to practice development has also been discussed in the essay. The term can be described in many ways, and has several aspects that are related to the factor. Some of the aspects are, giving emotional support to the patient and their relatives, coordinating and giving care in an integrated way, making the patient understand the importance of completing the course of treatment prescribed (Morgan, Stephanie and Linda 2012). The framework should also be inclusive of the fact that the patients have access to the specific care that they need and noting the persons preferences and needs. The people involved in the construction of such methodologies and frameworks should take care of the fact that they are being compassionate to the cases they are handling. The patient in general are both physically and mentally weak, they need the presence of people around them, who encourage them, so compassion helps in the process of recovery. Importance of person-centred care: Prioritizing the person based care process is crucial in todays scenario, the demands of the people is increasing with the increase in the population across the world. It is a key component in the field of medicine. People choose hospitals and nursing homes on the basis of the way the personnel in the organization behave and work (Tolan and Cameron 2016). Putting the patients in the centre do build the framework highly improves the service quality, it encourages the patients to be active and positive about their recovery. The personalized care base also helps to serve the exact requirements of people. The demands in the field of health service is drastically increasing but the availability of the resources is limited. Nowadays, because of the improvement and enhancement in the medicines and drugs the longevity of people across the globe has increased but the occurrence of varied medical conditions and diseases have also increased (Ross, Tod and Clarke 2015). To keep a track of the ne wly occurring ailments and syndromes, preparation of templates and plans are important, it saves the caregivers time and increases the efficiency of care giving. The process of personalized care should be inculcated by all the health care centres to monitor the legislation associated with it. The most important prospect to be maintained during the planning procedure is to protect the dignity of the person the health personnel are taking care of. The caregivers should also have the skills to give transformational leadership when needed as the need of it is increasing with the increase of globalization. Several evidences show that the inculcation of such practices has given positive patient outcome (Hoffmann, Bennett and Del Mar 2013). The inculcation has also increased the percentage of job satisfaction among the nurses. The framework designing process should also consider the inculcation of evidence based practices as it is the primary step that helps the caregivers to understand the basic requirement of the patient suffering from a specific ailment (Clissett et al 2013). Role of person based frameworks in improvement of quality of caregiving . Surveys conducted by several organizations on the health care centers following such framework has shown some astounding results. The frameworks have been found to impactful as it is seen to improve the satisfaction levels of the patients, it has made the patients much more involved in the recovery process than before. Practice development in clinical context: Development of practices in the field of nursing is the construction of several methodologies in a creative way to facilitate the smooth working of a health care unit (, 2017). The process is enabled by professionals who engage themselves with individuals under medical assistance and blend their experiences and qualities along with their creativity and practical skills to assist the individuals. It also facilitates learning to the personnel to bring multiple transformations in practices involving either individuals or teams (McCormack, Manley and Titchen 2013). The process provides sustainability by embedding the outcome of the service given and the process itself. The development has the inclusion of several strategies. It requires analysis of critical creativity, narrative methodologies, learning based on work, methods based on solutions, learning on the basis of action, cooperative inquiry and evaluation of the stakeholders of the organization (Pol-Grevelink, Juke ma and Smits 2012). The process complements a number of clinical methods of governance and qualities of the clinicians by focusing of cultural competence and work ethics. Personalized framework and practice development: Practice development nowadays, is attaining momentum as the professionals in the service are appreciating the process of systematic working for transformation of the clinical scenario (Grove, Burns and Gray 2012). Person centred or personalized framework is an integral part to be incorporated during developing practice layouts, as the aim of such developments is mainly to deliver proper personalized care to the people the clinicians are taking care of. In the recent times, it has been noted that the systems of health care units having a high profile are also not attending the qualities that are needed in providing treatment to people personally (Masters 2015). The person based framework hence can be seen to have a crucial role in developing practices in the field of healthcare. Without considering the personalized framework, constructing a practice layout is of no use, the procedure will not attain perfection without evaluating the need of the patients as individuals. The health care industry has the responsibility to address to the frameworks developed by senior clinicians who have been in the industry for a long period of time, it will yield a positive result as experience of the personnel in charge of laying the framework matters in such procedures. Impact of personalized framework on patient outcome: The inculcation of the outlines or frameworks primarily aims on achieving proper patient outcome. The set ups decrease the time that has to be dedicated to a patient as the they shorten the tasks of the caregivers by implementation of the right action plan for the considered patient. Improved patient outcome also increases job satisfaction of the nurses as they get positive reactions from the patients under them. Personalized framework and Collaborative Inclusive Participatory (CIP) principles: The working in person based frameworks requires the nurses and midwifes to follow certain rules which are based on the collaboration of individual clinicians with the team they are under, to give exclusive treatment to the patients. The practice should be inclusive of the professionals responding to the case in a responsible manner (Moon 2013). There should not be any delay or absence in hospitality that a patient deserves to get. The demands of the sufferers should be acknowledged in a respectful way without discriminating them on any basis. Participatory principle involves the participation of the clinicians in the process of care giving with the participation of personnel in developing and improving the health of people within a community that is, taking care of vulnerable people in a group based on the community they belong to (Mitchell et al 2012). The three key terms of the principle that is, collaboration, inclusion and participation improves the framework and eases the unders tanding procedure. Inclusion of the terms in practical space, needs the management authorities to work cooperatively with each other and deliver favorable outcomes specifically. Theory underpinned by the organization of Life Without Barriers for patient centred care: There are several ideologies available to incorporate patient centred frameworks in the healthcare units around the world. Many organizations are working to build proper outlines to commemorate the needs of patients as individuals. The theory drawn by the organization Life Without Barriers, gives a simple insight of how the steps pointed out by the organization can increase efficiency and caregiving to the patients. The organization has tabulated several points as important aspects when designing a framework (, 2017). The framework designed by them, has five stages. The first stage points out the importance of the values of the people. Second stage tabulates framework pillars for practice. The third stage deals with approaching the persons disabilities. The fourth stage points out some principle to follow that will solely focus on the care of the patient in a personalized or customized way. The fifth and the last stage incorporates the implementation of several medical reso urces and tools, which are going to be in use for the patient under consideration. The values of the patient and their relative should be addressed in the beginning itself to attend the belief of the patient, this step requires the nurse in charge of the patient to build a positive relationship in addition to being imaginative of the outcomes (McCance et al 2013). It also highlights the need of the caregivers to be respectful and responsive to the case they are handling in addition to be being courageous while dealing with critical cases. The pillars of the practice framework drawn by the organization include the importance of listening to the patients or clients they are taking care of, respecting the culture the person belongs to. It also highlights the need of the caregiver to plan the care program in presence of the individual patient, to minimize misunderstandings. The organization has included the crucial point of supervising the caregivers well when needed, as not all the nurses have expertise to handle different types of cases. The next point that it has ad ded to the pillars is the significance of the nurses to work in a team; collaboration of the caregivers with the other professionals in the field, increases the communication between them and hence expands the know through it (McCormack et al 2012). It also underpins the significance of choosing the best model of practice to work on a definite case. The organization has included four major aspects in the stage, which underlines the importance of approaching the disabilities of the patients. The first aspect under approach is the inculcation of support to the patients in a consistence manner. The next aspect being providing an understanding to the people about the care approaches drawn by the organization to give an overview of the process to the patients to avoid speculations. Promotion of the outcomes of the inclusion of such layouts, elevates the knowledge regarding the framework and helps people to choose the best care provider for them (Liamputtong 2013). The importance of building confidence of the staffs is crucial as they are the ones who are in the duty of giving the patients the experience of such frameworks. The caregivers should be provided with the latest results of research works on the occurrence of presence ailments which increases their understanding and makes them much more professional. The principle that the organization has deduced to build a proper layout embeds an approach that is totally specific to a person. In this section the patient outcome is encompassed in inclusion of community approaches. It deals with empowering the nurses as well as the cases. The organization, to commemorate the process, underlines the necessity of making the nurses understand the beliefs and values of people along with partnership and leadership qualities. Implementation of personalized care framework by St. Vincents Hospital, Australia; a real set up analysis: The health care provided by the hospital St. Vincent in Australia, strictly adapts the framework based on person centred care. The clinicians associated with the hospital are necessitated by seminars and sessions that enlighten them with the current theories available to improve their duty (Hudson et al 2015). The nurses and midwives associated with the hospital are giving training in advance to their joining so that they adapt to the clinical situation faster than usual. They follow the philosophy of providing care in an exceptional way. The framework that they follow includes the pattern of behavior of the sufferer and their family. They give an overview of the ailment that the person is suffering for to the patient and the relatives, respecting and supporting the decisions of the family of the patient is strictly followed by the authorities and the clinicians of the hospital (Durey et al 2012). The hospital also reflects on the concerns of the patients and the relatives. The hospital aims to take into account, the necessity to plan and deliver the best care by reviewing the framework on a regular basis. Respecting the beliefs and values is giving at most importance by the authority of the hospital as Australia is a country that attracts people from multiple ethnicity (Marck et al 2014). The nurses and midwives are given lessons of the cultural groups that are widely found to be dwelling in the country, this procedure commemorates the varied culture the country has. The hospital includes a forum that includes the patients and care givers, it facilitates the participation of the patients and the families to give suggestions to further improve their set up (Beckett et al 2013). The organization not only has kept the concerns of the patients in account but also has constituted rules and regulations that the patients have to follow to ease out the system. St. Vincents Hospital i s taken as an example of an ideal set up to be followed by many other aspiring high profile hospitals of Australia. Worldwide personalized framework scenario: Establishment of person based framework in the clinical set ups is the need of the hour. The health care organizations, be it low or high profile, need to inculcate such layouts to eradicate discrepancy in the set ups. The procedure has been effectively functional in the hospital and nursing homes that administer according to the frameworks. As seen in the case of the St. Vincents Hospital, the patient outcome enormously improves and the hospital gets benefitted from it. After the inclusion of such processes in the last ten years, the hospital management process has developed and the health care has undergone immense changes (Kitson et al 2013). The changes that the industry has gone through is appreciated by the health organizations worldwide. The World Health Organization has made it necessary for the developed countries to introduce such practices for increasing the rate of positive patient outcome (Levesque, Harris and Russell 2013). To facilitate such changes, the staffs as well as the clinical practitioners should have an approving attitude. With the development of medical science, the implementation of practices should also be enhanced to meet the necessary targets in the field of health care. The ideology should be promoted to all the health care centers across the globe and the implementation should be made mandatory to ensure the best possible care to all people regardless of the castes, creeds, cultures and gender. Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of personalized framework in a clinical set up has many positive outcomes associated with it. The procedure has been seen to enhance patient outcome and minimize the time taken to design clinical steps prompt for a particular patient. Working on the basis of the available theories has effectively increased productivity of many clinical set ups. All the hospitals and nursing homes should implement such theories and strategies to have a better understanding of the set ups and the patients References: Beckett, P., Field, J., Molloy, L., Yu, N., Holmes, D. and Pile, E., 2013. 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McGilton, K.S., Heath, H., Chu, C.H., Bostrm, A.M., Mueller, C., M Boscart, V., McKenzie?Green, B., Moghabghab, R. and Bowers, B., 2012. Moving the agenda forward: a person?centred framework in long?term care.International Journal of Older People Nursing,7(4), pp.303-309. Mitchell, P., Wynia, M., Golden, R., McNellis, B., Okun, S., Webb, C.E., Rohrbach, V. and Von Kohorn, I., 2012.Core principles values of effective team-based health care. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine. Moon, J.A., 2013.Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge. Morgan, S. and Yoder, L.H., 2012. A concept analysis of person-centered care.Journal of Holistic Nursing,30(1), pp.6-15. Pol?Grevelink, A., Jukema, J.S. and Smits, C.H.M., 2012. Person?centred care and job satisfaction of caregivers in nursing homes: a systematic review of the impact of different forms of person?centred care on various dimensions of job satisfaction.International journal of geriatric psychiatry,27(3), pp.219-229. Pope, T., 2012. How person-centred care can improve nurses attitudes to hospitalised older patients.Nursing Older People,24(1), pp.32-37. Ross, H., Tod, A.M. and Clarke, A., 2015. Understanding and achieving person?centred care: the nurse perspective.Journal of clinical nursing,24(9-10), pp.1223-1233. Tolan, J. and Cameron, R., 2016.Skills in person-centred counselling psychotherapy. Sage.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Informal Learning Experience free essay sample

This paper will discuss how my sisters’ drug addiction has been an informal learning experience for me and how my life has been effected trying to help her with this addiction. I will discuss how her experience with drugs occurred through classical conditioning by, identifying the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response. I will also explain how her experience occurred through operant conditioning by describing the behavior, the consequences, and reinforcements of her drug addiction. Finally, I will address how my learning experience occurred through cognitive social learning and how influences of media and prejudice played a factor. Growing up in a small town with no ambition to set goals and your all about your friends, you will head down a dark lonely path. At the age of 17, my sister Kaitlin decided that her friends knew what was best for and took to drugs. She hung around the wrong crowds and the environmental stimulus took precedence over nurture. We will write a custom essay sample on Informal Learning Experience or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My mom did not want to believe that her daughter was addicted to drugs. It wasn’t until the cops showed my mom a picture from the ATM machine, which showed Kaitlin withdrawing money and things in house started coming up missing. July of 2009 our Dad was hit by a drunk driver. I thought that this would be Kaitlin’s big wake up call. She knew that our father wanted her to get clean and how proud she would make him if she kicked this addiction. In August 2009, I allowed Kaitlin to move in with me and my family. Of course, she had strict guidelines and rules to follow or I wouldn’t hesitate to kick her out. She enrolled at the community college and thought she was on the up and up. 2 Weeks later, I noticed that checks were clearing under a bank account that I never touch. Low and be hold Kaitlin was forging my name to my checks and withdrawing thousands of dollars. I pressed chargers on her for forgery and theft. At this point, I have had enough; I had 3 kids that I needed to look out for their well being. I couldn’t waste anymore time or effort on my sister. It was tough love from here on out. Kaitlin spiraled out of control. In September 2009, our brother reached out to me to help get Kaitlin in a rehab program out of the state of Maryland or we would be burying another family member. We found a place in Louisiana that had a 90% success rate. To make a long story short in 2012 Kaitlin ends up pregnant. Swears up and down she is clean and hasn’t been using. On March 10th, 2013, my niece (Peyton) was born, addicted to heroin and numerous other drugs. I have opened my heart and home to this wonderful baby girl. She is a true blessing. I had to take a leave of absence from work without pay to provide for Peyton. It was a rough 2 months watching her go thru withdrawals. She is almost a year old and thriving. Unfortunately, being pregnant couldn’t make Kaitlin stop using drugs. To this very day she is still using drugs. Kaitlin’s addiction started with classical conditioning, a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. Behaviorism is based on the assumption that learning occurs through interactions with the environment (Cherry, n. d). A neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus capable of producing a given response after being repeatedly presented with the unconditioned (significant) stimulus (Carpenter Huffman, 2010). For example, an addict may use rolling papers, a pipe, or a syringe, etc (conditional stimulus) depending on the drug of their choice. An addict will eventually crave the drug of choice in the presence of these items (conditioned response), even when the drug is not present (unconditioned stimulus). The absence of the actual drug will lead to an overwhelming desire to use, (unconditional response). When the drugs and all the items are present and their body is going through withdrawals, when the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli occur together, the addict is powerless. Operant conditioning (instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior (Cherry, n. d). Operant conditioning has not worked for my sister. One would think that losing your child would be punishment in its self. Or facing jail time for theft. Even though Kaitlin is faced with the potential consequences such as jail time, the loss of her child, and possibly death, she still shows no signs of wanting help. Before an addict can get the help they need to admit that they have a problem. On the plus side, because of Kaitlins addiction, I was rewarded with a beautiful baby girl. Cognitive-Social learning refers to a psychological model of behavior. Learning occurs in a social context and what is learned is gained through observation. Addicts have attitudes, beliefs, expectations, motivations, and emotions that affect learning (Carpenter Huffman, 2010). There are three core concepts of social learning. First, is the idea that people can learn through observation. Second, the idea that internal mental states are an essential part of this process. Third, this theory recognizes that just because something has been learned, it does not mean that it will result in a change in behavior (Denler, H. , Wolters, C. , Benzon, M, 2014). Drug addiction plays a major role with your mental state of mind. Kaitlin is now 27 years old but has the brain mentality of a 15 year old. She is bipolar and an antidepressant. Its said to have to sit back and watch the drugs eat away at her brain and knowing that her mental state of mind will continue to deteriorate. Media and prejudice on learning can influence parenting practices, the overall culture, and individual child factors. It simply makes sense for parents and other adults to monitor the amount and content of the media children are using. Adults must think carefully about the kinds of influences children are exposed to on a regular basis and make conscious decisions based on the individual children involved (Cook, J. L, 2010) . It isnt television per se that has positive or negative effects, but what is portrayed and how families handle it. If parents talked to their children about drug addiction and how this is a very hard disease to over come. How drugs are harmful to their health and the different types of consequences you would be faced with, if you chose to use drugs. Would help guide our children in the right direction. Telling children that something is bad, a lot of times gives them that curiosity of wanting to try it anyways. I use my sister has a great example to my children on why you shouldnt use drugs. They got to see first hand what drugs can to do you, and seeing poor little Peyton go through withdrawals, broke their little hearts. I think their should more advertisements on TV and on billboards about drug addiction, telling children not to use drugs. In conclusion, my informal learning experience with dealing with a drug addicted sister, has opened my eyes to the type of environment we live in. Even though I talk to my children about drugs, it still worries me as they get older, will their friends have more pull and try to persuade them down the wrong path or will they listen and use their Aunt has an example of what not to do? The decisions we make in life will either haunt us or make us a better person. Classical conditioning is a learned behavior that happens with or without the presence of the stimulus. Operant conditioning is knowing that there are consequences for this learned behavior (drug use), that results in punishment (loss of your daughter, the presence of old friends, places and things resulting in possible relapse). Cognitive-social learning is coming to the realization that through participation and recovery programs, listening to other addicts stories, and seeing how how some addicts chose to recover.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Television Violence essays

Television Violence essays With the recent outbreak of school shootings, there has been renewed public concern over how violence is depicted in the media, particularly on television. Studies have shown that a child has witnessed 8,000 murders on television before finishing elementary school. With this statistic in mind, I am going to define television violence, state some facts on how violence causes aggressive behavior in children and give some suggestions on how parents can decrease the amount of media violence in their home. Television violence usually refers to all the violence appearing on TV screens. It includes material broadcast over the air, distributed by cable and satellite systems, and available on videocassettes and disks. A common understanding or definition of what constitutes television violence could be useful in helping to examine and regulate the problem (Alter, pars. 4-5). Extensive viewing of television violences by children causes greater aggressiveness. Sometimes, watching a single violent program can increase aggressiveness. Children who view shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, are more likely to imitate what they see. The impact of TV violence may be immediately evident in the childs behavior or may surface years later , and young people can even be affected when the family atmosphere shows no tendency toward violence. This does not mean that violence on television is the only source for aggressive or violent behavior, but it is a significant contributor (Smith, par. 4). The overall pattern of research findings indicates a positive association between television violence and aggressive behavior. A Washington Post article , states that the evidence from more than 3,000 research studies over two decades shows that the violence portrayed on television influences the attitudes and behavior...

Friday, February 28, 2020

Aids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Aids - Essay Example It can also be transmitted through infected blood transfusions. Drug addicts who use syringes are also at a high risk of developing the disease. It can be transmitted to the fetus from the mother during pregnancy as well as during birth and nursing. The disease affects the major systems of the human body owing to the suppression of immunity by the virus. It can result in severe conditions which include pneumonia as well as cancers like Kaposi’s sarcoma. The treatment for the condition is mainly antiretroviral therapy. Prevention is aimed at awareness. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a pathological condition which is referred to as a syndrome owing to the fact that this disease affects many systems of the human body and is characterized by many secondary infectious diseases as well as cancers arising from different cells. It may also affect the nervous system of the patient and hence the patient presents with signs and symptoms of nervou s disease. This syndrome is led to by the human immunodeficiency virus. This virus and the resulting disease were identified in the year 1981. The virus possesses the ability to decrease the efficacy of the immune system of the human body and hence it puts a person at risk of the development of many diseases that would not occur in a normal healthy person. The pathology has led to increased attention from international health organizations due to the severity of the disease accompanied by the fact that the number of infected people keeps on increasing every year (Davidson et al 2006, Levinson 2008, Robbins et al 2005). Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome has been ranked as the second most common pathological condition across the world which explains the fact that this disease follows a global pattern. It has been labeled as an epidemic due to the increased presentation of the number of cases. In Africa it has been identified as the first most common reason of death and has been repor ted to lead to more than 20 percent of deaths in the region. Ever since the disease has been identified, it has been linked to greater than 20 million deaths around the world. The World Health Organization presented with the findings that 39.4 million people had AIDS or were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus in the year 2004 (Davidson et al 2006, Levinson 2008). 70 percent of the people who suffer from this disease belong to Africa. In the year 2002, it was identified that 900,000 residents of the United States were suffering from the disease. Amongst the residents of the U.S., it is considered to be the second reason of death amongst the males of the age group 25 to 44. On the other hand, amongst the females of this age group, it is ranked as the third life taking reason. The pathology is also found to affect young children below the age of 13 years. It has been analyzed that 2 percent out of the total cases of the disease affects these children. In 2002, 800,000 more children were affected with this syndrome (Robbins et al 2005, Levinson 2008). There are many underlying causes that can result in AIDS. The human immunodeficiency virus which is the causative organism for this disease prevails in the fluids of the human body which include the blood, semen, saliva as well as milk from the mammary glands. Thus contact with infected body fluids increases the susceptibility of contracting the disease (Davidson et al 2

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Does the term organizational culture infer that an organization has a Personal Statement

Does the term organizational culture infer that an organization has a healthy culture - Personal Statement Example The term organizational culture does not imply health. Instead, it implies any behavior by the workforce in the organization. These behaviors are mainly products of the organization history, market, the style of management, or type of employees working in the organization. Some organizations that have a negative history of poor management or handling of employees find it very hard to eradicate the negative cultures that erupted during these times (Alvesson 13). However, even when elements of these cultures are remaining, the organization cannot be said to be healthy. Therefore, an organization with a healthy culture is one that has been able to eliminate negative culture either through introducing change or replacing a generation of employees with new ones. Some of the positive cultures that makes the organization to be referred as healthy include; innovation, emphasis on outcome, emphasis on customers, teamwork, etc. However, these can be tarnished by negative cultures such as discr imination. Therefore, the top managers have a role of ensuring that the organization has a positive

Friday, January 31, 2020

CRITICAL CONTEXTS of LAW- STORY( answer the questions) Essay

CRITICAL CONTEXTS of LAW- STORY( answer the questions) - Essay Example In turn, this conflict is further mirrored by the confusion regarding the difference between a civil liberty and a human right. It is submitted that the criticism of the philosophical concept of human rights as a reality centres on the dichotomy between the deontological â€Å"shared ethics† paradigm and the utilitarian approach (Donnelly, 2003, p.7). On the other hand, a â€Å"civil right† whilst related to human rights is completely distinct and specifically relates to a legal right which can be protected and exercised under civil law (Foster, 2008, p.10). As such, a civil right may include a human right but is completely distinct from a human right (Foster, 2008). For example, under the civil law common law jurisdiction in the UK, individuals have rights not to be injured or the victims of negligence or nuisance as part of a civil right (Foster, 2008). Whilst civil rights are exercisable and protected by the state, human rights on the other hand are not automatically exercisable, which in turn has perpetuated a debate as to whether the concept of human rights are in fact a â€Å"fiction† of modern, western liberal democracies (Reed, 2007, p.11). ... Indeed, this very point is the fundamental distinction between a civil right, which is enforceable and exercisable on the one hand in contrast to the individualistic concept of a human right on the other. Furthermore, Donnelly highlights the point that the â€Å"the ability to claim rights, if necessary distinguishes between having a right from simply being the (rights-less) beneficiary of someone else’s obligations. Paradoxically, then â€Å"having† a right is of most value precisely when one does not have the right† (Donnelly, 2003, p.8). It is submitted that this observation is arguably crucial to the practical success of the shared ethics paradigm in terms of the innate morality informing human adherence to basic fundamental rights. Moreover, Donnelly questions the notion of â€Å"shared† rights as in a â€Å"Hobbesian state of nature, rights would never be respected; at best disinterest or self interest would lead duty-bearers not to deny the right h older the object of her right (Donnelly, 2003, p.8). Accordingly, Donnelly’s points highlight the point that whereas ethics refer to the morality of human rights, this can contrast with the actual enforcement of morality as defined by ethical theory, which again highlights the fundamental distinction between an enforceable civil rights on the one hand and human rights on the other. Indeed, Donnelly highlights the point that â€Å"â€Å"Human rights traditionally have been thought of as moral rights of the highest order. They have also become, as we will see in more detail later, international legal rights† (Donnelly, 2003, p.11). As such, this has led to commentators questioning the concept of human rights in international

Thursday, January 23, 2020

King Henry IV :: essays research papers

Henry IV was born in April 1367 and was the only son of John of Gaunt, the son of Edward III, and Blanche, the daughter of Henry Grismond, Duke of Lancaster. Known as Henry of Bolingbroke after his birthplace in Lincolnshire, he was made a knight of the Garter in 1377. In 1380, at the age of 13, he married Mary de Bohun, the youngest daughter and coheiress of Humphrey, the last Earl of Hereford. They had four sons and two daughters before her death at the age of 24, in 1394. As the Earl of Darby, Henry entered the House of Lords in 1385. In 1387 he supported his uncle Thomas, Duke of Gloucester, in his opposition to Richard II. (Gloucester was also Richard’s uncle, and Henry was the King’s First cousin.) While taking part in the "Merciless" Parliament of 1388, Henry regained the favor of the King and in 1390 departed on the Crusade to Lithuania and then to Jerusalem. Visiting the kings of Bohemia and Hungary and the Archduke of Austria and then Venice in 1392-1393, he went only as far as Rhodes and then returned to England as a popular hero. He soon entered the government; he served on the Council while Richard was absent in Ireland in 1395 and for his efforts was made Duke of Hereford in 1397. Henry soon quarreled with the Duke of Norfolk, each accusing the other of arranging the murder of the Duke of Gloucester and calling for a trial by battle. Both men were banished from the realm. Norfolk for life and Henry for 10 years with a proviso that he would be allowed to inherit from his father. But on the death of John of Gaunt in 1399, the Lancastrian estates were confiscated by the King, and Henry decided to return, seemingly to claim his promised inheritance. Taking advantage of the King’s absence in Ireland, Henry landed on July 4, 1399, at Ravenspur, near Bridington, where he was soon joined by the northern nobles who were unhappy with the policies of the monarchy. By the end of the month Henry and his followers had raised an army and marched to Bristol. When Richard returned in August, the royal army started to desert; Henry claimed the throne for himself, and on August 19 he captured Richard near Conway. He then went with his prisoner to London and there, on September 29, Richard abdicated the throne.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

One girl one dream Essay

      This knew that this wasn’t the end of the man, he would be back, but next time I will hopefully be a bit more prepared. â€Å"Eleza is that you? † Cried a soft voice â€Å"Mum? Mum is that you? † I didn’t think it was possible â€Å"Eleza I knew you would come back† she replied â€Å"I have to go mum sorry, I can’t get close to you because it will rip you apart when I leave again, sorry† I shouted while running away down the street â€Å"No Eleza no! I can’t cope without you† screeched mum That was the last time I ever saw my mum. Gun shots were fired shortly after I had left, and I just assumed that the police heard her and found out where she was hiding. I knew that the police would be after me soon so I searched refuge on the out skirts of the village, fortunately a couple were also on the run from the police so I went into a home with them, it wasn’t an amazing home but at least it provided a roof over my head and food for my empty stomach. â€Å"Why are you running from the police? † I questioned the couple, â€Å"because of our religion, people here do not support our beliefs and say that we don’t belong in this community† they stopped, they were going to say more but they could see that I was too tired to listen and so they rested my head in the cloth and rug bed they had made up for me, I thanked them. I started to shiver as it got later into the night so I moved my bed closer to the raging fire to keep warm. I woke up the next morning still feeling incredibly tired because I didn’t sleep very well. The couple were very kind to me, for breakfast they gave me a cup of milk and also a piece of bread. Once I had finished eating my food I told the couple what my situation was and what my plans are, they took it as quite a surprise but understood completely and even offered to help out. Knowing that they were old enough to earn a living I stayed along side them for many days. Later on that evening we gathered around the beaming fire and chatted for hours and hours, that was until there was a knock at the door, â€Å"shh, Eleza hide quickly† said the couple silently. I tip toed towards the wooden toy chest and climbed in. â€Å"open up! † demanded a strong deep voice, The woman opened the door to the strange dark clothed man. â€Å"on the floor, now! † he shouted again The did as he said, I couldn’t see everything but I could see through a little hole in the side of the chest. Even before the couple could have a chance to speak, the man shot them both in the head. As that bullet pierced into their skull I cringed and couldn’t bare the sight, I wanted to cry but any noise could give me the same shot to the head. The strange dark man left, dragging the 2 bodies behind him. I broke out of the toy chest and went to the bathroom; I splashed water onto my face to revive my self, I knew it wasn’t worth getting worked up about as I already had a mission to complete. But this incident just made me more determined to get back at the mayor. What’s next? – Chapter 11 Screaming with silent rage I crept through the village of murderers. My mind was spinning and I had headaches slicing in and out my skull. I noticed the mayor walking down the street, I followed not too far behind, by the looks of it he was walking towards the forest, I wanted to go see if Oscar was ok but didn’t want to chance getting caught. I gave up on following the mayor because he walked into a building and then just disappeared out of sight. I then focused on getting into the forest to see the construction so far. It had been raining the night before so the way up the hill was wet and slippery, I fell many times, but easily managed to get back up again. When I finally reached the top of the hill I saw that the construction hadn’t progressed much at all. I went around back to see more, â€Å"Eleza.. PST.. Eleza over here† came a whisper from behind. â€Å"hey, how are you here, I saw you had a arrow in your back, you cant be alive! † I stepped back in shock, â€Å"that was a tranquiliser, the guard saw me and assumed I was trying to steal the blueprint, so shot me simple mistake, I’m sorry I scared you like that. † â€Å"are you still willing to help me then? † I wanted to get this over with so I wasn’t going to laze about. â€Å"don’t worry about the building Eleza, since you’ve been gone I have spoken to the mayor and many arguments were fought, but I have managed to convince them to make the building eco friendly. It will cost a lot more money to make but you are the reason why many animals in this forest will be preserved and protected well done! † â€Å"thank-you for doing this for me, how can I repay you for this? † I felt incredibly happy that someone was inspired by me. â€Å"come down to the mayors office with me tonight, I think he wants to talk to you† replied the boy. â€Å"are you mad! I will be killed! † I shouted â€Å"no seriously I can honestly say that you are safe with me, please trust me as I trusted you before† pleaded the boy I felt that if I didn’t go then it would be mean because he had helped me out a great deal and I should help him in return. â€Å"ok then, but if anything should go wrong then may your thoughts be guilty for ever† I accepted to see what the mayor wanted. I went off into the forest to get ready for tonight, I found Oscar beneath a big branch where we once stayed. He followed me down to the lake, I took a swim to clean off so not to get bad impressions with the mayor. The time passed and by the time I had dried off and got back to the construction site it was already time to go. â€Å"come on then we best get a move on† I said while already walking. We reached the mayors present house on time, we knocked on the door and waited for a response. Helping out- chapter 12 â€Å"Enter please† spoke a well mannered butler â€Å"Just stay calm and when the mayor wants to talk then let him† demanded the boy â€Å"Hello Eleza, I have heard many stories of you, I understand that you like to stand up for what you believe in, am I right? † said the mayor in a strong voice â€Å"Yes, you are correct† I answer in the simplest way possible â€Å"I want you to do a favour for me, I will pay for your food and sleeping place, you wonder why, but I really do think that you have the courage we need, do you think you can manage to stand up for what you believe in even if the opposition is bigger?. † I thought for a while before proclaiming my reply, â€Å"I would love to take hold of the responsibility of helping out, but do not understand why you would choose me to do this, I was being chased by your men the other day, how can I know that I can trust you? † I still wasn’t convinced but if what he was saying was true then I would be overwhelmed and hopefully do a good job. â€Å"Ok, I guess I should tell you now, I haven’t been completely straight with you, I will look after the forest here for you, but you must leave to southern Africa to do a job for me, flight is paid for, and you will be helping the green team to help decrease the amount of de forestation, and also in your free time you will be helping the smaller children in the schools but if you do not accept this then your precious forest will be burned to the ground for my house to be bigger! So the choice is yours. † It wasn’t much of a choice so I just did what I had to and agreed to go. â€Å"I will go but Oscar must be able to fly over with me! † â€Å"I’m sorry but it is illegal for wild animals like Oscar to fly over on the plane with you† I knew he was right so I just gave in, but made sure that he is promised to be looked after by the mayor. I looked back and went to talk to my friend, â€Å"I’ve never been to Africa, is this a nice place to be? † â€Å"I haven’t ever been either, but I do know that it is a third world country, with children that need your help† replied my friend. The mayor went out the room and talked to another man about the trip, I was shacking but not because I was scared, just because I was filled with many emotions, I was actually quite excited. Journey and arrival – chapter 13 I set off early the following morning and endured 12 long tiring hours on the flight to northern Africa, then another 9 hours on a train to my destination. When I got off the train my legs were numb and floppy. When I arrived I was directed into a small long building and was told what I should do. The mayor explained that he is only here today then will be flying home tomorrow, and then he introduced me to my mentor. â€Å"Eleza, I hope that your stay here will be pleasurable, my name is Mandisa please come meet our youngest residents in our village. † I was taken into a classroom where little children stared at the teacher, they gave her all their attention, there was no shouting, it was just calm nice place to learn. I didn’t want to disturb them so instead I went into the village centre and saw just how hard it was for them to survive. â€Å"Could I have a cup of water please? † I asked a local The man said nothing, he walked over to a well and scooped out a bucket of water, I went over to him, he handed me the bucket. â€Å"Is this what you drink everyday? † I wondered I looked into the bucket; the water was cloudy with dirt floating on the surface. This wasn’t what I was expecting, I was hoping that the people hadn’t been drinking this for too long, this water isn’t drinkable and could kill if the wrong bits are drank. â€Å"It is the end of the school day now, come with me to see the children† said Mandisa I followed her to the classroom again and met up with the kids, meeting them made me feel important, I felt like I was a vital part of their lives, and that I could make a difference to their lives. â€Å"Hello, my name is Keon, what’s your name? † questioned a young boy â€Å"Eleza, I am here to help you and your class friends out. â€Å"Yay, no-ones ever come to our village before, other than Aitan, your mayor† â€Å"Is your mum going to pick you up from school? † I just wanted to talk to him, I wanted to make friends. â€Å"My mum is gone† Keon fell silent and faced the ground â€Å"she is gone, but my dad is in the fields. I have to go; my older sister has a disease and needs all the support she can get. † Before I could get a chance to comfort him he was gone. I walked down the road and met up with Mandisa. â€Å"Come; come quick, its Keon’s sister! She is in desperate need of help. † I didn’t rely, I just ran with her to his home. There was a huge gathering of people out side of the house; me and Mandisa stepped into the sweltering house mounted of sad people, the mood was unbearable and cries came from the room that Keon’s sister lay. I ran into the room and looked into the eyes of the girl, I could see that she was in a cycle of eternal pain; I knew this was an incurable disease and couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl, at such a young age, (2 years younger than me and 3 years older than Keon.) I left the house and went to the little mud cottage where I was staying, I sat on the bed and relaxed, I can’t stand emotional moments, it just brings back bad memories that I’d rather not think about. There was a knock at the door, â€Å"Hello, Eleza are you in there? † sobbed a voice from behind the door, I went over to the door to find Keon looking at me then grasped my waist and burst into tears I hugged him for over 10 minutes before he let go and sat next to me on the bed and told me the tragic news about his sister. His father kindly invited me to the funeral then took Keon back home to get some sleep. I was shattered and was shocked by how much happened to me in one day, and was glad when the day came to a close. But I was eager to see what tomorrow had in store for me. African life – chapter 14 â€Å"Eleza, Eleza time to get up† whispered a soft voice in my ear I couldn’t talk because my lips were so dry and crisp they remained sealed, I leapt out of bed. They gave me a towel and a bucket of water to wash my face with. The first job of the day was to cover a simple lesson of spelling; I walked to the classroom with the children and was introduced to them all. I then started off the lesson by asking each individual child what they think their abilities are, this helped me to know what their level of learning is currently. The teachers didn’t have books to teach from, just a teacher that goes by memory. I didn’t get an education so I wasn’t doing anything too complicated; I just went over what I already knew. The school day wasn’t very long because the children got too hot in the classroom, after the class Mandisa met me outside. She told me that I was here to make a difference to the people’s lives and that I should try to make some tasks up for myself to complete. I thought for just a few moments then decided what I was going to do next. Keon showed me around the village and pointed over to the forest, or what remained of it anyway. I told him that I will protest against the men but I couldn’t use force. â€Å"I think I have a plan, what is the cutest creature in your forest? † I questioned â€Å"The baby monkeys are cute, they live high in the trees† Keon replied â€Å"Let’s go then† I shouted to him while running through the forest. Keon knew that there was only a slim chance that my plan would work and so he didn’t get his hopes up. It took a while to spot any wildlife in the forest because the noise of the chainsaws had frightened them half to death, I crept up quietly to one of the babies, the mother was higher in the trees so she didn’t see me coming, Keon gently lifted down the monkey and handed it to me, then we walked for miles and miles to find the campsite of the tree murderers and once there Keon gave a good firm knock on the door and waited for a response. â€Å"Who’s there† came a voice behind them I turned around quickly and addressed them, â€Å"We are begging you please stop cutting down the trees, so many animals die because you have taken away their home and family, here is a monkey that is calling out for your help† I had to make up a sad story about the monkey or it wouldn’t take effect. â€Å"I am just against it as you but we must do this otherwise we are out of jobs and wont be able to afford to survive. † I could see that the man wasn’t the kind to give up easily and so I diverted to the second plan,†you know, we will always have a place for you in the village and even though you have had you arguments with them, I’m sure if you stop cutting the trees down they will be happy to take you in. † if this didn’t work then we were screwed. This is something I will consider, it wont be immediate but you idea will not be discarded, don’t come back, we will move I’m due course. † The turned and walked away into their house, we went back to the village and carefully put the baby monkey back exactly where we found it. I went back to my where I slept the night before and rested there. As I lay I thought about all the changes I could make to this village if I put my mind to it, I wasn’t an adult, but the village treated me as one and made me feel wanted. This was when I knew, my dream has become a reality, I wanted to make a difference to the world and help those in more need than me. For once in my life I feel that I have done my parents proud and just wish that they could be here beside me. Everyday for over a month I got up and helped around the village, and every evening I would visit Keon’s mother and comfort her because the loss of her daughter was still on her mind. I had gone through so many adventures in my life and only in 1 year I had gone half way across the world and have witnessed life and death pass me by, and yet am still at a young age of 14, but my birthday is next week and the village kindly offered to have a little bonfire to celebrate, Keon even offered to sing a traditional African song called Kpanlogo this song had a strong meaning behind it but he wanted to sing it because it had a great tune to it. Free life takes a change – chapter 15 Keon was now a big part of my life and was like a brother to me, his mum was a thoughtful woman and she welcomed me into her family. I took the job of permanently teaching his class and in the process I even taught myself new things and the children told me about the animals and wildlife that surrounds them. That night Mandisa walked up to me with tears building up in her eyes, she told me that the mayor said that I couldn’t stay any longer, he needed help back home. So unfortunately my time in Africa came to an end. I was heartbroken to leave my new family, I felt like someone when I was there and didn’t want to go.